
Three tips for successful gardening

Successful gardening requires regular attention. But that’s not all. You also need to have the right information to carry out the right tips. This is what will allow the plants to grow better and give good yields. So what are these tips? Find out in this article.

Feed your plants with eggshell

A simple and effective tip for the maintenance of your garden is to use eggshell powder. Eggshell powder has a high calcium content. This will allow your plants to grow well and be healthy. To use it, collect your eggshells very often and put them in a blender. This will give you a powder that you can put in your garden soil and on your plants.

Using vinegar or baking soda to get rid of weeds

Using vinegar is a good trick to kill weeds. Vinegar’s alkalinity protects and nourishes plants and gets rid of weeds growing in your garden. Simply spray your garden with vinegar or a bicarbonate solution very often to get a good result. This can be two to three times a week depending on your availability. These solutions will not only get rid of the weeds but will also nourish and strengthen your plants. This way you gain two things at once. Your plants will grow properly and the weeds will also disappear.

Using dirty nappies and coffee filters

Baby nappies and coffee filters are natural solutions for fertilizer. They guarantee that your plants will grow properly without the use of unhealthy fertilizers. If you want to use baby nappies, you just have to make a hole in your garden, put it there and cover it with soil. Then plant your seeds and watch them grow. For coffee filters, you will need to put your seeds in and add soil. Let it grow and water it and see the results for yourself.